As a Ryan White Part C grantee as well as an academic institution, Washington University Infectious Diseases (WU ID) Clinic is committed to ensuring the delivery of high-quality HIV care and services. WU ID Clinic’s Core HIV Quality Team meets monthly and is comprised of clinic physicians and providers, nurses, medical assistants, case managers, data management staff and administrative leadership. The Core HIV Quality Team is focused on improving HIV clinical care. Additional quality teams are in place for improving case management services as well as HIV prevention services.
H4C collaborative
WU ID Clinic is a participant in the national HIV Cross-Part Care Continuum Collaborative (H4C), sponsored by HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau. H4C is a collaborative that includes five chosen states: Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, and Ohio. In the state of Missouri, H4C is focused on viral load suppression for persons living with HIV and on building quality improvement capacity among all the Ryan White Part A, B, C, and D grantees in the state of Missouri.